What if you are suspended from work?

Suspended from work

Under the common law, an employer cannot suspend an employee without pay. If they do not wish to pay you, then the correct step is to terminate your employment. Read my earlier article about what happens if you are terminated from work. However, if you are being suspended from work for virtually any reason, your […]

Going into Business (part 2)

Going into business

Limited Liability Company Forming this type of company requires a director, employee and shareholder. Shareholders – Have only liability and you can include as many as you like. Directors – Have far more important duties and responsibilities as set out in Corporation Legislation Tax record keeping and reporting are examples of the duties and responsibilities of a […]

The Facts about Demerit Points and Licence Suspension

Demerit Points Losing Your Licence

The prospect of a drivers licence suspension can cause major disruption for people, particularly those who rely on their licence for work.  We find that many clients have misconceptions about how demerit points and licensing operate in NSW.  All road users deserve to know the facts about traffic law, so it may help to cover […]

Directory of Australian agencies that provide legal help

Australian Agencies

There are many ways to get legal help in NSW.  A solicitor may be the best help in most circumstances, but there are many other options where you may find assistance with your legal issue: ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) – run by local Community Justice Centres can provide free mediation and conflict services to help […]

I have a compensation claim with a solicitor. How much will it cost?

Compensation Claim

Like most legal firms working in the area of compensation, we operate on a ‘no-win, no-fee’ basis. You may have heard of cases where a victim is awarded compensation only to find most of the payment has been swallowed up by legal fees. Our Conditional Costs Agreement ensures that we will never make more from […]

Going into Business (part 1)

Going into business

Businesses can have many different structures such as:- Sole Trader. Partnership. Limited Liability Company. Sole Trader – is what it says, a business without any other partners / owners. Advantages of being a sole trader include: Your business and tax obligations are probably going to be less complicated. You can still hire staff and enter into contracts. […]

Freedom of Information from the Government

Freedom of Information from the Government

Anyone can obtain access to any document held by a federal government department or agency unless the agency, or the document or part of the document, is exempted by the legislation.  There is under federal law known as the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Commonwealth). NSW There are some changes in the State laws.  In 2009, New […]

Free Domestic Assistance for Injured Workers

Free Domestic Assistance fro Injured Workers

Many injured workers are unaware that they may be entitled to domestic assistance provided free by their workers compensation insurer. This domestic assistance may be physical assistance such as cleaning the home, mowing the grass or many other forms of help.  This depends on the worker’s injuries. If the worker has been certified with at […]

Finding the right solicitor for you

Finding the right solicitor for you

Throughout your life there will be times where a legal issue may arise, for example the buying or selling of a home, a car accident, a breach of contract such as consumer issues when purchasing a car.  There may be criminal issues, family law such as divorce, personal injury and even the need to draw […]

Finalising Your Purchase

Finalising Your Purchase

This is the final part of our series: buying a home. I hope it’s been informative. What is settlement? The settlement date is often agreed upon when you sign the contract, most commonly about 6 weeks after exchange.  Interest can be charged if you cannot settle by the agreed date, so make sure you tell […]