We stand up for your rights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequesntly Asked Questions

After over 25 years as a solicitor exclusively practising in Blacktown and Schofields, Anthony McDonnell, Principal of McDonnell Schroder Solicitors answers some frequently asked questions:

1) Are your first consultations free?

Yes.  We think it is important to give our potential client’s an opportunity for some preliminary free advice.

2) What does ‘no win, no fee’ actually mean?

It means that unless we win your case, we do not charge you any fees.

3) Should I make a Will?

Yes.  It is essential to make a will if you are concerned about who will receive your assets and belongings after you die.

4) Do I need a new will if I marry or divorce?

Yes,  if you marry, divorce or separate,  it is very important that you make a new Will.  Generally marriage cancels any will you have already made, but there are exceptions that you would need to discuss with your solicitor.

5) What is a Power of Attorney?

Power of Attorney is a document you can sign to appoint another person (called your attorney) to act for you in relation to financial affairs.

Your attorney should be someone you trust.  He or she must be over 18 years of age.

6) Who can arrest me and why?

A police officer can arrest you if, for example –

  • They suspect on reasonable grounds that you have committed an offence
  • A warrant (a written authority) for your arrest has been issued by a court; or
  • You have committed or are about to commit an offence.

7) How should they arrest me?

The person arresting you should:

  • Tell you that you are under arrest;
  • Tell you why you are being arrested.

You can politely insist that you be allowed to contact a lawyer.

8) Do I have to answer any questions if I am under arrest?

In general you have the right to silence.  However, if the arrest concerns a motor vehicle,  you are required to give your name and address and particulars of the incident to the police.

McDonnell Schroder can assist you in all legal matters including compensation, superannuation, family law, buying or selling a house, wills, powers of attorney and guardianship and criminal matters.


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