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McDonnell Schroder

Wills & Estates

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When it comes to Wills and estates it pays to get expert advice from a team of solicitors who know the letter of the law.
Wills and Estates Sydney
wills and estates sydney

McDonnell Schroder

Wills & estates specialists

When it comes to Wills and estates it pays to get expert advice from a team of solicitors who know the letter of the law. McDonnell Schroder Solicitors and Compensation Lawyers have the experience and expertise to help you out with all of your legal Will and estates questions, no matter how complicated. From the cost of making and preparing a will to understanding what needs to be included in a will, our team has got you covered.

McDonnell Schroder has been providing quality legal advice and service to Blacktown for over 50 years. We understand that people respond to quality and personal service and care, that’s why we treat you like a person first and a client second.

McDonnell Schroder will be in your corner throughout your legal proceedings, and with our help you will know where you stand with all of your wills and estates. We live by our motto Omnium Jura Defendimus”, we defend the rights of all.

If you are looking for a Lawyer near you, contact us today.

Wills Solicitor

Making a Will can be one of the most important decisions and documents of your life. Not only will it give you peace of mind upon completion, it also ensures that your family and loved ones will get what is owed to them in the event of your passing.

At McDonnell Schroder we have a team of expert wills and estate lawyers that have been drafting and executing Wills for years. We will be happy to help in the drafting of your Will to ensure that your estate is dealt with as you would wish.

Deceased Estates

When a person dies their assets need to be collected and dealt with according to their Will. McDonnell Schroder can take you through the process of dealing with a deceased estate step-by-step to ensure that everyone gets what they are owed.

We can even help our clients obtain a grant of probate for a Will from the Supreme Court if necessary.

Contact McDonnell Schroder Solicitors and Compensation Lawyers today for a free quote

So if you need help with the writing of your Will or a recent deceased estate, give the friendly and professional team of Wills and estate law specialists at McDonnell Schroder Solicitors and Compensation Lawyers a call.

We offer a free first time consultation, so why not drop into one of our offices in Blacktown and Schofields so we can talk to you about your Wills and estates requirements.

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Wills & Estates FAQs

Securing the services of a wills and estates lawyer is a crucial step in protecting your assets and ensuring they are distributed precisely as you desire. These legal professionals possess the expertise and experience needed to craft a comprehensive will that accurately reflects your wishes while adhering to all relevant laws and regulations.

Wills and estates lawyers are well-versed in navigating the complexities of estate planning, including intricate tax laws and potential probate costs. By working with a skilled lawyer, you can receive valuable guidance on strategies to minimise taxes and streamline the probate process, ultimately preserving more of your estate for your intended beneficiaries.

At McDonnell Schroder, our team of dedicated lawyers specializes in wills and estates law. With our wealth of experience and commitment to excellence, we strive to provide you with peace of mind knowing that your estate affairs are in capable hands.

Don’t leave your legacy to chance. Get in touch with McDonnell Schroder today.

When it comes to planning for the future, entrusting the drafting of your will to a qualified wills and estates lawyer offers numerous benefits. These legal professionals specialise in crafting legally binding wills, trusts, and other essential estate planning documents, ensuring that your wishes are accurately documented and legally valid.

By enlisting the services of a wills and estates lawyer, you gain access to their expertise in navigating complex legal requirements and ensuring that your will reflects your exact intentions. They can help you make informed decisions about how to distribute your assets and address any potential tax implications, such as inheritance tax, thereby maximising the value of your estate for your beneficiaries.

Additionally, in the event that you pass away without a will, known as dying intestate, a wills and estates lawyer can offer invaluable guidance on the intestacy laws applicable in your jurisdiction. They can clarify how your assets will be distributed according to these laws and help mitigate any potential disputes among family members.

Ultimately, by working with a wills and estates lawyer, you can have peace of mind knowing that your estate affairs are in capable hands. Whether you’re planning for the future or navigating the complexities of estate administration, their expertise ensures that your wishes are carried out and your loved ones are protected.

When it comes to managing one’s assets, it’s important to have a professional who specialises in wills and estates. A wills and estates lawyer is a legal expert who ensures that a person’s assets are distributed as per their wishes or according to the law. They are responsible for drafting wills, trusts, and other legal documents, ensuring that they meet legal requirements and are binding.

The duties of a wills and estates lawyer include:

  • Drafting and updating wills and trusts
  • Advising clients on estate planning and tax issues
  • Administering and distributing estates after someone passes away
  • Representing clients in wills and estates disputes

To ensure that your affairs are in order and your wishes are followed, it’s crucial to seek the services of a skilled wills and estates lawyer. At McDonnell Schroder, our team of expert wills and estates lawyers can provide you with comprehensive legal support tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

If you’re searching for a wills and estates lawyer near you, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you’ll want to find a lawyer who has experience in the field and a strong reputation for providing quality legal services. This is particularly important when it comes to wills and estates, as these are complex legal matters that require a high degree of expertise.

In addition to experience and reputation, it’s also essential to ensure that any lawyer you consider is licensed to practice law in your state. This will help ensure that they are familiar with the specific laws and regulations that govern wills and estates in your area.

Finally, you should also ask about the lawyer’s fee structure to make sure it’s within your budget. Some lawyers charge a flat fee for their services, while others bill by the hour. Be sure to ask about any additional costs or expenses that may be associated with your case, such as court fees or filing fees.

By taking these factors into account, you can help ensure that you find a qualified and experienced wills and estates lawyer who can provide you with the legal guidance you need to protect your assets and ensure that your wishes are carried out according to your wishes.

Our will and estate Lawyers play a crucial role in helping individuals plan for the distribution of their assets. They ensure that all legal documents are well crafted reflecting the wishes of the individual and complying with all legal requirements.

Additionally these lawyers assist in establishing trusts to manage assets effectively providing benefits like tax advantages and safeguarding against creditors. They also help clients plan for circumstances by preparing living wills and powers of attorney allowing them to make decisions regarding their health and finances if they become incapacitated.

In the event of a persons passing our team of legal professionals guide the executor or administrator through the probate process, which involves verifying the validity of the will identifying assets settling debts and taxes and distributing remaining assets to beneficiaries as per the deceaseds wishes.

Our Lawyers specialising in wills and estates are adept at handling disputes. They advocate for your involvement in disagreements concerning document contents or execution including challenges, to their validity.

The cost of making a will in Australia can vary significantly based on the complexity of your estate and the method you choose to create your will. Here are some general guidelines:

Solicitors: Engaging a solicitor to draft your will can cost anywhere from $500 to $3,000 or more, depending on the complexity of your estate and your specific needs. This option provides the most comprehensive legal advice and is recommended for complex estates involving trusts, multiple beneficiaries, or significant assets.

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