Many people injured in accidents are unaware that they may be entitled to reimbursement of their travel expenses for medical appointments. These travel expenses including petrol for travel as well as parking and tolls. These travel costs can be expensive when you have multiple appointments with doctors. This is particularly true when you are injured and cannot work so there is no money coming in. However, these are all claimable expenses from your insurer.
Make sure you keep good records of all travel to your treating providers and note any tolls and parking you pay. Your treating doctors/physiotherapists can provide you with a list of all your attendances with them. You can submit that with details of the distance from your home to each provider to the insurer who can then reimburse you. If the insurer refuses these payments, your solicitor can help you dispute this.
You should also do this for any medications you need including general painkillers like panadol and your chemist expenses, if you keep your receipts. Your chemist may keep records of all your purchased medications which you can use as evidence. You can ask your GP for a list of your regular medications for your injuries.
Your injuries affect not only your ability to earn income, but also create a stress on your family because of these extra expenses. If this situation arises, you should contact a solicitor who specializes in injury matters.