If you contract COVID-19 at work, you may be able to make a workers compensation claim. You will have to prove that your work activities were the main contributing factor to you contracting the disease. Everyone’s claim is assessed on its merits so make sure you keep good records and even a diary.
If you want to lodge a claim for COVID-19 contracted while you are at work, you should get a WorkCover Certificate of Capacity from your doctor, to confirm your diagnosis and that it relates to your employment. You will also need information from work about the onset of COVID-19 at work. You should lodge that claim and the information with your employer. Make sure you lodge your claim as soon as you know. Your employer can then lodge the claim with icare for assessment. Icare will then look at evidence to confirm your diagnosis and how it is related to your employment.
If your claim is accepted, icare will cover you for your normal workers compensation entitlements. These include treatment expenses and weekly payments for lost income. There are no special entitlements for COVID-19 claims.
What happens if you are injured when you are working from home due to COVID-19. You might be covered for workers compensation if you can show that your work recommended that you work remotely. You will have to show that your work was a substantial contributing factor to your injury.